Wednesday, April 15, 2020

10 Hours of Coding-Intro to JS: Drawing and Animation-Part 1

Intro to JS: Drawing and Animation

I chose Khan Academy and the course I chose is 
"Intro to JS: Drawing and Animation." I completed the 
first lesson which was "Drawing basics." I learned how to 
use code to create drawings and shapes.

I learned how to use the "ellipse" code to create circular 
shapes. Also, I learned to use "rect" to make rectangular 
and square shapes. Lastly, I learned how to use "line" to 
create lines. With these commands I ended up creating a 
snowman and later a snowman waving.

In the next hour I am going to work on the second 
lesson which is "Colouring with Code." In this lesson I
 will learn how to add colour with code.
Starting my first project: The Simple Snowman
I made my first mistake which was an easy fix.
I finished the Simple Snowman.

I decided the snowman was to simple so I added some buttons.

This is the finished version of my waving snowman. I added some colour to the ground.

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